We all have that friend. Sitting around the coffee shop, or maybe at happy hour, she rattles on and on about her chiropractor. “He’s aaaaamazing. You just have to go see my chiropractor.” You roll your eyes and say ok, with no intention of calling. One recent client at Divine Spine Yorba Linda had just that experience. Except that she was in so much pain and discomfort that over a year later, she did finally visit our office.
Her hesitancy is something we see all the time. Too many people have had bad experiences at other chiropractors’ offices. They often complain that they hurt more after the appointment than they did going into it.
Constant Neck Pain, Hand Pain, Back Pain
This patient was suffering from arthritis in her neck, shoulders, knees, and hands. Her lower back was in pain and she complained that the relief she felt from the cracking and hard manipulations she received from other chiropractors was all too brief. Many patients tell us similar stories; they enjoy the massage tables, but they dread the twisting and cracking. How can you relax when you know it’s going to hurt?
Well, this patient was in so much pain she was desperate enough to try chiropractic care again and according to her review, she was “willing to do whatever was needed to relieve any pain.” What she pleasantly realized is that at Divine Spine Yorba Linda – we don’t do hard manipulations with cracking and pain.
Chiropractors at Divine Spine Yorba Linda
In her case, as in most cases, we see at Divine Spine Yorba Linda, the first step is a consultation with Dr. Ajay Sawhney and a series of x-rays. These x-rays are used so that we can address the root cause of the pain, thereby enabling us to relieve the pain long-term. In the case of this patient, we consulted the x-rays together and were able to see the exact cause of her pain: damage to her spine made it so she could hardly walk, couldn’t sit comfortably nor stand, and she was only sleeping 3-4 hours a night due to the discomfort.
With this patient, and with all our patients, our treatments are gentle and comfortable. We perform computerized chiropractic adjustments using an EVA (Electronic Vertebral Alignment) system. Our adjustments are non-invasive procedures consisting of precise directed movements to help relieve pain and discomfort and restore range of motion in the spine.
In the case of this patient, after 15 visits over the course of five weeks, she’s able to walk multiple miles a day; “Last week on my Fitbit weekly report I had walked 44,086 steps, 18.7 miles, and my average daily calorie burn was 2,256.” It is much easier to move when you’re not in pain because it takes a lot of energy to be in pain all the time. According to her review, “I haven’t had one time where I have been hurt. There is no cracking, no pushing, pulling, or twisting of anything.”
If you’re in pain, or you’re looking to help maintain a pain-free life, make an appointment at Divine Spine Yorba Linda. Contact our friendly staff here now to make an appointment. Don’t live another day in pain.