Joint Dysfunction . This is commonly due to a lumbar subluxation. Which is when a joint in the lumbar spine is out of alignment or motion between the joint is restricted. This usually irritates the nerves and muscles and causes pain.
Muscular Problems. Most commonly from a muscle strain due to heavy lifting, trauma, improper bending or repetitive use.
Degenerated Discs . A subluxation for prolonged period of time can lead to dehydration of the disc. This will cause the disc to shrink in size and the body will send calcium to fill in the gaps. This process is commonly known as degenerative disc disease or osteoarthritis.
Lumbar Disc Herniation . A herniated disc may happen suddenly due to a traumatic injury or heavy lifting.
Give us a call if the pain has persisted over 3 or 4 days or if you have pain, numbness or tingling traveling down your legs. It is important to have your spine evaluated as soon as possible to prevent permanent damage and back surgery.
If you have been told you need surgery, we would be happy to review your case and offer you a second opinion. Several of our patients have undergone treatment and avoided surgery. We do not guarantee this for everyone.
When you are pregnant, see our blog article on prenatal spine therapy HERE
On your first visit, you will receive a comprehensive exam, if necessary, digital x-rays followed by a doctor’s report. We do this to figure out the root cause of your lower back issue and create a personalized treatment plan. Our goal is to go beyond relieving our patient’s symptoms, we strive to resolve the root cause of the problem and teach our patients the proper stretches and exercises to create lasting stability.